The goal of the Barton Springs Pool Master Plan is to return the site to its rightful glory, where the water was cleaner and the experience of the pool was more enjoyable. This plan proposes appropriate additions and renovations to the swimming pool, its buildings and its grounds that respect the fragility of this unique natural and historical setting, and also accommodate the significant user demands on Austin’s most popular park amenity. This 22-acres site had nearly a million visitors during the 2006-2007 swimming season.
The project required working with a complex array of historical, environmental and public-use issues. Major considerations were park planning, federal permitting, pool and watershed hydrology, historic preservation, sustainability and landscape. Limbacher & Godfrey successfully negotiated this challenge to a solution that respected the Owner’s budget and maintenance culture while also securing public approval.
Barton Springs Pool Master Plan

"Twin Dragons", Will Van Overbeek